May 2, 2014

Assignment On Talk shows in Bangladeshi television channels: A Social Pollutant?

A talk show is a television programming or radio programming genre in which one person or group of people discusses various topics. Usually, guests consist of a group of people who are learned or who have great experience in relation to whatever issue is being discussed on the show for that episode. Other times, a single guest discusses their work or area of expertise with a host or co-hosts. The electronic media of our country is advancing day by day. A channel authority introduces talk shows in new styles with the starting of a new channel. Viewers can enjoy 20 to 25 talk shows on politics every day, with participation of some experts. But most of the moderators of these talk shows are biased. Some of them highlight the faults of the ruling party and some of them highlight the faults of the opposition parties.

Sometimes it is also noticeable that the discussants and the moderators are misinterpreting an issue or misquoting a person, as it is their duty to defend or defame someone as an advocate. Any regular audience of these talk shows can easily guess the attitude of these people. So, they select some particular TV channels and also avoid some others. Viewers are enjoying these shows wasting their valuable times and also hampering their sleep at night We are facing so many problems like lack of quality education, lack of skilled manpower, widespread corruption, poor health service, unplanned family system etc. The television authority should arrange talk shows, reducing talk show on politics, relating to those problems to make common people concerned about those problems. It will lessen the confusion among people and the possibility of making bad comments on our political problems.   
Our objective is to find out the public interest about the talk show and different type of view of them about our talk show. We had prepare a question paper and after that we have done several survey from different group of people. From the survey we find lots of information about the talk show which helps us to identify about the matter weather talk show is a social pollutant or not? Actually there are different group of people we had selected and their view point are not same so it was not very much easier to find out the actual answer. Some people said that talk show is very important for a democratic country. It informs people more about any topic so by this way it should not be social pollutant. On the other group of people said the guests who are on the talk show mostly the agent/supporter of two big political groups. So by this way the society divided into two parts and that’s why they agree with the topic. By the way in this assignment we can only focus some of people’s opinion so it may not very accurate. We are tried to make diversify the survey. Actually after collecting all the data we had analysis those data and in this assignment we present that information in narrative and graphical way for better understanding. We had also talked with a professor of our university after collection all the data. He also had some opinion and his own point of view we are also include his opinion in our assignment. By the way we would like to thank out honorable faculty member to give us that type of assignment. The data collection and the other strategy to do this assignment was little bit tough but thanks to Allah after all we have done this part. And we also want to thanked those people who were help us to find data and make the assignment complete.      

Talk shows and TV are flourished with the same time. American media personality Joe Franklin hosted the first talk show which started in 1951 and ended in 1993. The show started in 1951 on WJZ-TV and moved to WOR-TV. It was running from 1962 to 1993 and this was just the beginning. Talk shows have created many stars like Larry King, Oprah Winfrey, David Letterman, and Tim Sebastian. Larry King hosted the Larry King Live from July, 1985 on CNN and continued until the June, 2010. It was the most watched and longest running program of CNN which had over one million viewers every night. Oprah Winfrey started her talk show in 1986 and this program lasted until 2011. It was the highest rated talk show of American TV industry which was highly influential in American cultures too. Tim Sebastian was the first presenter of HARD Talk on BBC. Tim Sebastian spent seven years in HARD Talk. At that time it was one of the most popular programs in BBC. BBC website said about HARD Talk- In depth interviews with hard hitting questions and sensitive topics being covered as famous personalities from all   walks of life talk about the highs and lows in their lives. The history of talk shows in Bangladesh is not too old. Tritiyo Matra is the pioneer of talk shows in Bangladesh. It started its journey on 17th July of 2003 and was broadcasted every day. Tritiyo Matra’s website says that it had nearly 12 million audiences since 2008 which also has crossed 3500+ episodes. ( After ‘Tritiyo Matra’ Bangladeshi electronic media saw the boom in talk shows. New ideas came up with new talk shows. The topics covered from the politics to the life style, from economy to religion. Ekattor Television, a private 24*7 news channel of the country, came with its new initiative of live coverage. It has added new dimensions on talk shows. Now-a-days talk show is not chatting or talking between two or three people instead it is livelier. For example, two guests are in the studio, at the same time presenter connects with the third experts from his office and another from abroad with Skype. At the same time it has the participation of audience through phone. So, talk show is not only the chatting of political leaders but now it brings a common discussion space for mass people from the society. Not only Ekattor Television channel, but other TV channels are showing talk shows about different issues. When viewers watch TV channels at night time, they would see that most of the TV channels are showing talk shows and thus it is frequent in Bangladesh that the urban people wait till late night to see talk shows in different channels.       
Presentation of fact:
By doing the survey we have find lots of information about talk show. What people want  and what do people think about talk show. On the basis of our questioner  we have some good information from the people. By which we can understand their thought.Accordingly to the house wife we find that 70 % of them are think talk show is Important for our society,10% Not Important for our society,10% this is social pollutant,10% don't know. But the other all group answer is same they think  talk show is important for society.
 In terms of category most of the people show political talk show but house wife group we find 60% of them like Political Talk Shows & 20% interview talk show 10% film related talk show 10% Comedic Talk Shows. 

 We also find different information from people about the media prefer to talk show, all the people mentioned TV . 40% peoples are like to enjoy talk show with family ,10% are with friend and 50% people like to enjoy it alone.The main objective of a talk show is to identify any issue and try to find solution of the following issue.100% people are agree with the statement.80% people think that it is essential to participate general people in talk show by phone. 100% people think talk show broadcast to the TV because of social responsibility.

We can seen that "the guest who are mostly invited on the show are" interviewer said only political person and general person and the percentage political person high.  

What’s your opinion about talk shows? If you have suggestions write below.

 Different people have different opinion here we would like to give some best opinion written by the people.Ø  Talk shows must be free of governmental restriction. However , it also should be free of slang or ruff language
Ø  Not only talk show we need to invent something new idea  to get participate people directly.
Ø  It resolves conflict and give a proper suggestion about a topic of conflict and diversified perception. if a healthy environment of talk show with knowledge, general people can draw a peaceful  solution to a matter of conflict.
Ø  Government or opposition party must learn their fault from different senior journalist or important civil person.Ø  Resin to make our life easier.  
We have also enclosed Opinion of different types of Interviewees at last of the assignment from here you can find lots of information. Hear larger is Banglavision and smaller one other.  
 We asking people that what Type of talk show you watch? Based on the interviewer information we make this graph we can see that 96% people are watching Political Talk Shows, 2% watch Interview Talk Shows, 1% watch Comedic Talk Shows and last 1% watch Sports based.

Table: Opinion of different types of Interviewees

This chart is shows different types of interviewers and there interview report on our questionnaire

Private University
Public University

Ordinary people
Good position if society
Media people
What do you think about talk show?
100 % Important for our society.
100 % Important for our society.
70 % Important for our society.

10% Not Important for our society.
10% this is social pollutant
10% don't know
100 % Important for our society.
100 % Important for our society.
100 % Important for our society.
What Type of talk show you watch more?
100%  Political Talk Shows
100%  Political Talk Shows
60%  Political Talk Shows & 20% interview talk show
10% film related talk show
10% Comedic Talk Shows
100%  Political Talk Shows
100%  Political Talk Shows
100%  Political Talk Shows
Which Media do you prefer for talk show?
100% Television
100% Television
100% Television
100% Television
100% Television
100% Television
When do you like to watch talk show?
100% Night (9pm to 12:30)
90% Night (9pm to 12:30)

10%Evening(6.30pm to 9pm)
10% Night (9pm to 12:30)

40% Evening(6.30pm to 9pm)
50%Daytime(9am to 6.30pm)
50% Night (9pm to 12:30)
50% Early Morning(6am-9am)
100% Night (9pm to 12:30)
100% Night (9pm to 12:30)
You enjoy talk show with your …..
 70% with family & 30 enjoy alone
40% with family
60% with friend
 90% with family & 10 enjoy alone

100% with family
70% with family & 30 enjoy alone
90% with family & 10 enjoy alone
What is the main objective of a talk show?
100 % Identify any issue and try to find solution
100 % Identify any issue and try to find solution
100 % Identify any issue and try to find solution
100 % Identify any issue and try to find solution
100 % Identify any issue and try to find solution
100 % Identify any issue and try to find solution
It is essential to participate general people by
80 % Phone call & 20% Directly on show as guest
70 % Phone call & 30% Directly on show as guest
90 % Phone call & 10% Directly on show as guest
90 % Phone call & 10% Directly on show as guest
80 % Phone call & 20% Directly on show as guest
100 % Phone call
Talk shows are for
100% social responsibility
100% social responsibility
100% social responsibility
100% social responsibility
100% social responsibility
100% social responsibility
Talk show always
100%  Huge knowledge on topic
100%  Huge knowledge on topic
100%  Huge knowledge on topic
100%  Huge knowledge on topic
100%  Huge knowledge on topic
100%  Huge knowledge on topic
The topic of talk shows are
100% Important for our society
100% Important for our society
100% Important for our society
100% Important for our society
100% Important for our society
100% Important for our society
The guest who are mostly invited on the show are
80% political person & 20% civil society
50% political person & 50% civil society
60% political person & 40% civil society
70% political person & 30% civil society
80% political person & 20% civil society
70% political person & 30% civil society
Do you like to watch talk show on other country?
100% No
100% No
100% No
100% No
100% No
100% No
Do you think talk shows need any kind of censorship?
90% Actually I don't think so & 10% yes it will better
100% Actually I don't think so
70% Actually I don't think so & 30% yes it will better
90% Actually I don't think so & 10% yes it will better
100% Actually I don't think so
100% Actually I don't think so

Now it's time to see the opinion off different group of people in society Sociologist

Talk show in Bangladeshi Television channels has become a commonplace but not really it's a social pollutant overall even though it has many pros and cons. Instead of saying in general that talk show is chaotic or disturbing let's say very often the role of some moderators or some speakers are really outrageous.  

Political activists
I can't say that talk show did not pollutant for our society. That's not men it is not necessary for our society. It is also develop knowledge. we should identify those problem and solve those problem then we ensure that talk show is necessary for our society. Basic reason of pollutant are slang word some time guest forget about the topic and they talk another issue, sometime they did not obey their fault. If we overcome those problem then talk show did not pollutant for our society.  

Media Expert
Talk show not exactly social pollutant. Some time some guest are use unhealthy words, that is the problem. Talk show gives us knowledge . Also it must be free from government restriction sometimes talk show indicate the government unethical work and sometimes show other social problem . Sometimes talk show did some violence, when the invited person told wrong word or give wrong statement and people all over the country seen that, "Hate the sin not the sinner". So we should invited that person who is talk liberal and truth. Ultimately talk show is helpful for our society.    

The objective of this study was to explore Talk shows in Bangladeshi television channels: A Social Pollutant?. We saw that talk shows gave priority on politics. They change their shoes when the government is changed. From this survey, the researchers have come to this ending that, talk shows are really helpful for the viewers to analyze the political environment since they have the capability of setting agenda and creating awareness. Bangladesh is passing an unstable time in politics and the he political scenario of the country is getting worn day by day. Government and opposition parties are in confrontation. People seek objective and impartial shows to understand the situation. Creating talk shows for own purpose creates a world of imagination among the TV viewers. If the TV owners and producers use talk shows for good purpose, Bangladesh will get benefited from this. The friable democracy of the country can therefore rise in a strong feet. Everything have some positive and negative site. We should accept positive and throughout the negative site. When any talk show held we can get of information. Sometimes discuss unnecessary topic in talk show. When we select any topic we should realize about the topic, and think that is it necessary for our society. When we invite any person for talk show that person must be acceptable for that topic. Because sometime they use unnecessary word in talk show. They don't think that is a public program. Some time some political leader are come in talk show and give statement interims of his party. If we maintain the quality of topic, language and person of the talk show then it will be helpful for our society otherwise it's pollute our society.   


2.      Salman Al Mamun Actor and producer of shot film, drama and owner of MN production
3.      Muhanmad Imam Hussain Political activists
4.      Dr. Sudhangshu sekhar Roy is the Associate professor in the Department of Mass Communication and journalism, University of Dhaka, sheet of "Talk shows in Bangladeshi channels: Shows of Social Pollutant?"

  Questionnaire for a survey of journalism

1. What do you think about talk show?
        Important for our society.
        Not important for our society.
        I don’t know.
        It is a social pollutant

2. What Type of talk show you watch more?
        Interview Talk Shows
        Political Talk Shows
        Issue-Based Talk Shows
        Comedic Talk Shows
        Sports based

3. Which Media do you prefer for talk show?
Other source:

4. When do you like to watch talk show?
        Evening(6.30pm to 9pm)
        Night (9pm to 12.30am)
        Early Morning(6am-9am)
        Daytime(9am to 6.30pm)
        All time
5. You enjoy talk show with your …..
        Family member
        I like to enjoy it alone.

6. What is the main objective of a talk show?
        Only discuss about any topic
        Identify any issue and try to find solution
        No objective

7. It is essential to participate general people by
        Phone call
        Directly on the show as guest
        Text message
        E mail/facebook /
Other media:

8. Talk shows are for
        Public Demand
        Social responsibility
        Only a earning source of broadcasting channel

9. Talk show always
        Inform us about any issue
        Provide huge knowledge about the relevant topic
        Waste time of general people
        Provide information which is irrelevant
        Not very informative

10. The topic of talk shows are
        Important for personal life
        Important for our society
        Not important for our society
        Always about political which I am not interested

11. The guest who are mostly invited on the show are
        Are civil society
        Political person
        General people

12. Day by day talk show become
        Very popular
        Polluted by the politician
        More Accountable/Significant

13. Most of the broadcasting channels are broadcast talk show
        To make government happy
        To inform government/opposition about their fault
        To identify the real problem and suggest solution.

14. The person who are invited on the talk show
        Have enough knowledge about the topic
        Sometime change the topic
        Discuss only from one site
        They are the agent of government / political parties

15. Do you like to watch talk show on other country?

Please Write the name of the talk show you watch


16. Which broadcasting channel do you like to enjoy talk show?

17. Write some Bangladeshi talk show you like most?

18. Which Talk show are very popular?
        Entertainment base
Please write:

19. Do you think talk shows need any kind of censorship?
        Actually I don’t think so
        Yes It will better
        Censorship sometime prevent the actual things

20. Al most all the television/radio broadcast talk show. And day by day the broadcasting channels are increasing. Do you think in this condition they can broadcast effective talk show?
        Yes as more the channel increase the quality of talk show will increase
        No at the time talk show will be value less
        It is a public demand so as more as the channel broadcast talk show the public will accept it more.
        It will be more planed and manipulated

21. What’s your opinion about talk shows? If you have suggestions write below.

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