February 6, 2014

How to build up your career step 1

The more a person is older the more conscious, thoughtful and bamboozled, he is about his career. Mainly career doesn’t mean to be a doctor, engineer or other sophisticated professions, but means to do any legal way of bread earning that promote him toward success. Career is nothing but the materialization of cherishing goals. It can’t be imposed by someone, but it should be selected spontaneously by a person himself. There are parents and other influences group who creates interference in freedom of choosing a career.
Every person has a unique implicit capability, but he can’t explore it. For this reason he faces confusion and chose the areas of career where he is awkward and sluggish and became unsuccessful in building a good career. So my first suggestion about career counseling is exploring your area of interest, where you felt good and do well.
Here some tips to do well in your selected career-

Pre- requisitions:
1.      Gather knowledge about your career environment
2.      Select your target to be achieved in your interested career. Because based on target effort level is determined. The higher target level means higher effort level.
3.      Put strong effort to abolish and enrich your creativity and to achieve minimum qualification for entrancing into your interested career.
4.      Develop a good communication skill and network.
5.      Renovate you through avoiding bad habit and exercising good habits
6.      Develop a roadmap of your career stick up with it, although you face recurrent failure

Post- requisitions:
1.      Develop adaption capability for working in any complicated environment
 2.      Don’t neglect any small opportunity because an opportunity leads to next big opportunity 
 3.      Avoid grouping and always maintain a general relation to other workmen
 4.      Don’t listen to your influencer group and always take decisions by your own judgments
 5.      Explore yourself as punctual and workaholic.
 6.      Try to handle the odd situation that develops your mental strength and ready wit
 7.      Try to be flexible with time, environment and situations.
 8.      Hear to your conscience, which will show you the right way in indecisive conditions.

A different person has different things to do, so focusing on everyone’s interest is impossible. So we can align only the principles to follow but can’t give suggestion to choose different carrier; which is offensive because it hinder the freedom of one’s interest.       

SM. Sharia Mojumder

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