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November 24, 2012

Hey Girl, Do You Know?

Do you know how much I want you? Some days ago I was confused. I hadn’t decided my goal of my life. Living seemed meaningless to me. I hadn’t inspired myself. But after I get back you, my life is changed. I get all of my answers of questions.
Many many days ago, suddenly I was seen you. The memory of first sees you, is the one of the most memorable event of my life. That time you were to me another way. Not like present. But certainly
that time you were important to me. Because that time I did those works that I never think will do.
Long time I kept myself away from you by forcing myself. I wanted all time to keep myself away from you. But suddenly without any planning I had to come to in front you.  To come back to you is the turning point of my life.
You don’t know anything about this. Now certainly you have very surprised. If I in front you, you will stare at me surprisingly by your big big eyes. Isn’t?

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