April 20, 2016

Presentation on Traffic Jam inThe DHAKA City

Traffic Jam and It’s Economic Impact

*Traffic jam of the Dhaka city costs over Tk. 19,000 crore a year.

*The city losses 8.16 million work hours daily.

Causes of Traffic Jam

*Significant increase in population and centralization.
* Simultaneous presence of motorized and non-motorized    vehicles on  the same street.
* Traffic mismanagement: Violation of Traffic rules and regulations.
* Poor transportation and infrastructure planning Other Issues.


*Dhaka is the head quarter of all type of organization.
*The increasing population obviously increases the demand for more vehicles on the streets.

Heterogeneous Vehicles …..

*Human puller to latest model automobile, mechanical to non-mechanical, slow to fast-moving, nothing left on the roads of Dhaka.

Traffic Mismanagement……..

*Insufficient number of traffic police and traffic signals, flaws in traffic markings.
*Traffic police do not do their duties properly.
* The buses do not stop at the bus stops, they stop just at the  intersection points, and rickshaws always follow them.
* The pedestrians cross the busy streets even if  there is no crosswalk. People do not usually use the over bridges or underpasses.

Poor Planning…..

*Dhaka City has very inadequate road networks, which are only 8 or 10 percent of the total city area, whereas the acceptable ratio is 25 percent.
*One of the main problems of Dhaka City is its very limited Public Transport System.
*Unplanned railway crossing-When a train passes, lots of vehicles have to wait near the rail crossing, which causes serious traffic congestion at the interval of every 15 minutes as an average.

Way For Remedies….

Thinking Vertically.
Long Rail Network throughout the city.
Changing the location of the Kamalapur Station.
Public Transport instead of Private Transport.
Co-ordination among the works of different Ministry of the Government.
Should change the mentality.

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