May 4, 2014

Report On Marketing strategy of Partex furniture industries limited


q  Origin of the report: this report is development as a course of the MBA program. When I have presented my report to my supervisor, he will authorize my report. This report is written by me under the supervisor Md. Shahin Ahamed Chowdhury.

q  Problem and Purpose: My corporate purpose is state that to succeed the problems and pattern statement of Partex Furniture. But the whole information about Partex Furniture as like what is working system how is its management system and etc. are not clearly given on its website.

q  History: Partex Furniture is a leading manufacturing furniture, brought revolutionary changes in the furniture market in our country since its start 2000 and owned by Mr. Aziz Al Kaiser. First it had started in a small scale, but today Partex Furniture is fully equipped with latest technologies.

q  Scope: Partex Furniture is a world class furniture providing company, has a big functioning network of its business in our country and other country. It has several Gallery and Branches. I have tried to cover about marketing strategy of Partex Furniture.

q  Limitations: For the want of the proper data and reliable resources I can not include the financial information in this report.

q  Sources and Methods of collect: I have collect the information from the Secondary data, such as: Companies journal, brochure, articles, websites and Monipuripara Gallery.

How to started:

A combination of special imported laminated board, stainless steel accessories and high standard plywood offers the best quality and cost effective substitute for natural timber for custom-made innovative, modern and stylish furniture. PARTEX Furniture produces a diversity of products maximizing the use of timber-substitutes as well as products of solid timber. Within a short span of time laminated board furniture has been able to claim a sizable portion of the market. This is a commitment of PARTEX GROUP to use eco-friendly materials, as much as possible. Currently, we are providing an ever-increasing range of products to meet the greater than ever demand of furniture for households, offices and educational institutions.


We are the leading furniture solution provider in Bangladesh achieving our business vision through growth in market reach, increasing operation size, international distribution, total service and consistent branding activities by the being most customer focused & Innovative, cost effective & efficient, environmentally responsible & quality concerned company in the business.


To be the most consumer-focused, competitive, efficient, innovative, and environmentally responsible and quality concerned leading market oriented furniture manufacturer, sales and distributor of Bangladesh.

Customer focused & innovative
We believe our success depends on our customers. Thus, our primary value is fulfillment of our customer's needs. Our manner of achieving this success is to include value for money, different price ranged functional products, complete solutions, free technical consultancy services, after sales support, efficient delivery, and above all quality products that exceeds expectations. We believe in providing our customers new and innovative products with international standards to match with the changing lifestyle of today.


We believe our competitive nature thoroughly ensured as when we provide highest quality products in the most perceived prices. We are committed to our value in relationship with our stakeholders where our core product is associated with efficient and reliable services.


We believe in maintaining, operating our business in such a manner so that it is sustainable for the future. We want to combine economic use of wood and create wood substitute products for our furnishing needs and constantly devote our production, research & development to remain environmentally responsible. We are committed to find new methods and technologies to improve our services. We believe excellence is our only standard for all our approaches.


We are committed to conduct our business in such a way that demonstrates highest ethical standards. We believe integrity is our imperative utility to succeed in what we do.

Main Furniture Companies in Bangladesh:

1.      Name of the Companies:
a.       OTOBI Ltd.
b.      Partex Furniture
c.       HATIL
d.      Navana Furniture
e.       Akhter Furniture
f.       Brothers Furniture
g.      Legacy

Source: Bangladesh Furniture Indus. Owners Association Report -2010.

Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP) of Partex Furniture:
Segmentation: PARTEX Furniture Industries Ltd products international quality furniture. A combination of special imported laminated board, stainless steel accessories and high standard plywood offers the best quality and cost effective substitute for natural timber foe custom made innovative, modern and stylish furniture. PARTEX Furniture produces a diversity of products maximizing the use timber substitutes as well as products of solid timber. Partex Furniture segregates its product with individual care wise. Such as:

Targeting: The Sky is not the limit for Furniture Market but expectation is within limits. Therefore, our imagination soars beyond conventional barriers. We share or destiny with our beloved motherland. We want to serve her in the greater quest for national uplift. Partex Group is committed to the prosperity of Bangladesh. Our enterprises play a positive role in alleviating poverty and generating employment an important objective of our country. This has been possibly through continuous customer support and loyalty which we are proud. We endeavor to reach our products and services at the client's doorstep through a network of sales and distribution outlets. Human resources is our key asset, who translate the group's objectives into realistic performance. We are committed to have the best people and train them to get the best from them. Ours is a free market economy, where private sector plays a key role in establishing an industrial base. We believe in new ideas and technology which the road to the future. We shall travel this road hand in hand with our customers and our employees to seek and find prosperity for the Group and the country. We are the leading furniture solution provider in Bangladesh achieving our business vision through growth in market reach, increasing operation size, international distribution, total service and consistent branding activities by the being most customers focused & Innovative, cost effective & efficient, environmentally responsible & quality concerned company in the business. To be the most consumer-focused, competitive, efficient, innovative, and environmentally responsible and quality concerned leading market oriented furniture manufacturer, sales and distributor of Bangladesh.

Positioning:  Positioning or Market Share: Per year:

a.       OTOBI Ltd.           –    500 Crore/ Year
b.      Partex Furniture    -    100
c.       Hatil Furniture      -     45
d.      Navana Furniture   -    40
e.       Akhter Furniture    -    20
f.       Brothers Furniture -    15
g.      Legacy                 -    10

It is clear that Partex Furniture is in the second position in the Furniture market of Bangladesh.

Summary of
Marketing strategies

Corporate-Level strategy

Partex has vertically integrated both into the Panel-based and timber-based furniture industry because of their strength in raw material supply.

Because of vertical integration, Partex enjoys some competitive advantage compared to its competitors. 
<   Partex has invested Tk.100 crore in the furniture industry and this huge investment acts as an entry barrier to its potential new entrant.
<   Partex will also be able to realize Economies of scope since they are fully integrated in the furniture industry i.e. from producing raw materials to distributing them.

Thus the two SBUs in the furniture industry: one is timber based furniture and the other is panel based furniture

Business-level Strategy:
Interestingly enough the generic strategy for Partex is not ‘Cost Leadership and Differentiation’ rather it is differentiation (not pure differentiation) backed up by absolute cost advantage. The result is Premium price charged for products similar to the competitors and obtaining lower cost than pure differentiators and higher levels of profits than firms pursuing only one of the generic strategies.     

 Functional-Level Strategies

Always tries to pursue new product development focusing on quality, design and customer needs, providing feedback to both customers and specialized functions, in order to expand their market.

Depends mainly on customer feedback for new product development and communicates this to other functional areas, such as production

Concentrating on reaping most benefits out of panel based furniture due to low lead-time, automation and sound vertical integration. At the same time, inefficiencies in timber-based furniture are attempted to be countered with high design and craftsmanship quality and doing batch processing to minimize costs.

Global-Level Strategies

It is not planning to put any manufacturing set up in the host country. Partex will manufacture its products exclusively in the home country. As Partex’s current targeted foreign market is UAE it has low pressures for Cost Reductions.
Pressures for Local Responsiveness are low as well.

Internal Analysis – Summary


Corporate Structure

q  Top level Decision Making with vast information seeking from low level managers (take inputs)
q  Complex structure- difficult to understand

q Centralized DM

q Poor understanding of the structure by the mid level managers

q Present structure hampers successful growth in the future

Corporate Culture
q  Consistent culture
q  Family Owned business concept    very prominent
q  Emphasis on quality, craftsmanship and design and integrity is maintained about this
q Promotion only up to a certain position, which may be de-motivating to the employees. Short corporate ladder
q  Customers are not refused, with a certain limitation of the company


q  Wide range of customer base

q  The corresponding strategy is to focus on quality first and then respond to demand

q  Planning many programs for growth
q Planning many programs but not clearly stated, merely implied
q  Programs consistent with corporate mission
q  Positioning by high quality product at affordable prices. Therefore product mx needs to be suited for each income group
q  No past trends to base its judgments or strategy formulation – but can be countered with good research and forecasting
Business Development

q  Technologically advanced in terms of developing new products
q  Research is mainly observational and participatory
q  Cost and quality can be controlled as they are already in the supply side
q  Consistent with mission and values


q  capability to produce imported RM for panel-based furniture currently imported
q initial research suggested that there is demand in this business but partex did not plan its entry to take advantage of its full potential.
q Programs and plans merely implied and not clearly stated
q  automated system for CKD approach
q current situation is not consistent with missions, objective etc.
q  vertical integration gives competitive advantage
q  Capacity planning possible in panel based furniture
q  own supply channel ensures smooth flow of RM
q  labour and technical teams ensure quality and design
q  forecasting can be done in relation to the followng factors about the demand cycles
q demand fluctuations have been taken as a problem factor preventing capacity planning

Human Resource

q  consistent with missions, as employment is generated
q These policies are not stated clearly only merely implied
q  Training provided in a regular basis
q  Low employee turnover

External Analysis – Summary

Five factor model

q Intensity of Rivalry
q  Due to the size of Partex, the business can expect lower intensity of rivalry
q Brand image pioneered by Hatil and Otobi – Partex not the pioneer
q  Currently in an oligopoly
q Timber based furniture industry is in mature stage
q  possibility for being highly consolidated in the future due to its size, investment and integration
q High capital investement leading to high exit barriers
q  The brand furniture is growing
Demand is increasing every year by 15%.
q  The main forces in the market are differentiated
q  No prominent labour union leading to low exit barriers
q  Layoff cost is low leading to low exit barriers
q  The group is not so dependent in the furniture business leading to low barriers to entry
q Threat of potential competitors
q  Partex already has a brand image
q Otobi and Hatil already have brand loyalty in panel based furniture
q  Absolute cost advantages
q  Advantage over economies of scale and experience curve effects in panel based furniture
q Economies of scale and experience curve effects are not present in timber based furniture
q  High capital requirements for entry
q  Chairman being the member of the Parliament can forecast regulatory changes better than competitors.
q The market is a free market and open to any new entrants.
q  The current differentiation strategy of Partex strong enough to bar both new and existing competition.

q  Partex gauges expected retaliation

q  Threat of substitutes
q  Close substitutes are not performing in the same market segment


Business-Level Strategy
Principal Issues
Partex’s Strategic managers plan of action for using the company's resources and distinctive competencies to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals in the local market is based mostly on its cost advantage over the competitors. At the heart of the generic business-level strategy for the company lie the choices concerning product differentiation, market segmentation, and distinctive competency. These issues of Business level strategy formulation according to Partex are discussed below:
The differentiation of furniture according to the need:
The study on Partex’s product offerings connote that the company follows two different strategies for both Panel-based (Knockdown) furniture and Timber-based furniture. These current strategies are as below:
Current Product Differentiation Issues:
Types of Furniture
Issues for product differentiation
This type of furniture is targeted to satisfy special category of needs: office furnishing, kitchen and home appliance, lower middle class home furnishing by offering low-priced products.
However, selected customization of these products is also offered allowing minor differentiation for upper middle to higher economic classes in the local market.
This type of furniture offers uniqueness through the product’s appeal to the consumers’ psychological needs: such as brand image and perception of Partex furniture being high-end product.   

Recommended Differentiation Issue:
The capacity and the market forces suggest that the current strategy is sufficient for Partex to continue in the industry.
The Segmentation of the furniture market:
Partex management grouped their consumer in terms of the income-based classification and preferences. The segmentation is unusually large and looks apparently unrealistic to allow Partex to gain competitive advantage. However, due to the nature of the business of two types of furniture, the target group is bound to be relatively larger. The current segmentation strategy is followed for both panel and timber based furniture market.
Current Segmentation Issue:
The current segmentation strategy of Partex for both of its product line: Panel-based and timber-based is a broad range – ‘Lower middle’ class to the ‘upper upper’ class of the economic division of the Bangladeshi market.
Recommended Segmentation Strategy:
Types of Furniture
Issues for segmentation
‘Lower middle’ to ‘Upper upper’ class as panel based furniture consumer can be targeted for:
·         Office furnishing.
·         Kitchen furnishing with customization.
·         Home furnishing for ‘lower middle’ class.
Timber based furniture with the new conception of brand furniture is suitable for the ‘upper middle’ to the upper end market with focus on appeal.

Distinctive competency for the business-level strategy:
As previously discussed Partex current distinctive competency is focused on:
Current Distinctive Issue:
Focused on continual product quality Partex strives to reach for better customer responsiveness through a clear focus of the market trends and new product innovation by newer designs.  This organization of distinctive competencies includes superior efficiency in production for the panel-based furniture but does not entail for the timber-based furniture. This is however not a weakness, rather a characteristics for the timber-furniture industry.
Recommended Distinctive Issues:
Since Costs-Leadership is followed is Panel-based furniture the corresponding distinctive competencies should ideally be in the field of manufacturing and material management. Similarly, for timber-based furniture following a differentiation strategy should ideally have R&D sales and marketing as its distinctive competency. Partex fulfills both these criteria.

The choice of the Generic Business-level strategy
Partex enjoys a distinctive production development within the system as the raw materials for its panel and timber-based furniture both come from the single source. As a result the company manages to reap gains from cost advantage as well as brand image and appeal, leading to differentiation strategy.
Current Business-level Strategy:
Interestingly enough the generic strategy for Partex is not ‘Cost Leadership and Differentiation’ rather it is differentiation (not pure differentiation) backed up by absolute cost advantage. The result is Premium price charged for products similar to the competitors and obtaining lower cost than pure differentiation and higher levels of profits than firms pursuing only one of the generic strategies.     
Recommended Business-level Strategy:
Outwardly, the Generic Strategy for Partex may seem to be a stuck in the middle as no pure strategy is followed and as a result wrong resource allocation decision may occur leading to a loss of control in the generic strategy. However, the cost advantage achieved by vertical integration and the image of Partex brand helps the company to be in a position where it can charge premium price for the product, which has differentiation ability. Thus, the recommended strategy should be:

Types of Furniture
Generic Strategies
Cost Leadership and Differentiation as competitors (OTOBI) follows Differentiation strategy as well. 
Differentiation (not pure differentiation) Strategy with absolute cost advantage gained from production development and vertical integration.
 The choice of Investment Strategy
The appropriate strategy in the growth stage is to provide base to face the shakeout period. For Partex having a strong competitive position in the market the investment strategy should be to expand or growth.
Current Investment Strategy:
Partex is investing resources to develop new sales and marketing strategy. The new show room (Partex Gallery) and the plan to employ architects in the sales force is an example to this strategy implementation. Also the investment of TK 100 crore is a strategy to build resources that the company is following now. 

Recommended Investment Strategy:
Aside from following the current strategy Partex should also engage in R&D to maintain their lead as a differentiator and introduce newer designs to capture more market share. 

The Recommended Business-Level Strategy
Partex should follow two different Business-Level strategies for Panel and Timber furniture market. More narrow Segmentation should be focused with differentiation Strategy (not pure differentiation) for Timber furniture and Cost Leadership in Panel Furniture backed up by the cost advantage achieved from vertical integration in both the fields. Finally, investment should be made to capture more market share by innovation and further growth. This will increase the profit margin in even higher extent. 


Functional Level Strategies


Marketing & efficiency
q  Pursuing quality, customer needs and design research
q  Showroom situated at a poor location
q  TV media not yet utilized
q  Only one outlet as of now
q  Pricing strategy inconsistent with stated objectives and actual implementation

Marketing & quality
q   Very customer focused
q   Provides customer feedback on quality

Marketing & innovation
q   Provides results of research to business development function
q   Always pursuing new products

Marketing & customer responsiveness
q   Customer focused (knows customer needs etc.)
q   Communicated customer feedback to appropriate functions

Always tries to pursue new product development focusing on quality, design and customer needs, providing feedback to both customers and specialized functions, in order to expand their market.

Enhance aggressive marketing through consistent pricing perceptions within customers, having more outlets, and pursuing other media to promote


Demand forecast


R & D and efficiency
q  Focusing only on new products which are not necessarily easy to produce

R&D and quality
q   Product design based on what is wanted by customers – not based on manufacturing ease

R&D and innovation
q   Develops new products but process innovations low
q   Cooperation with other functions done

R&D and customer responsiveness
q   Involves customers in identifying their needs

Depends mainly on customer feedback for new product development and communicates this to other functional areas, such as production

RECOMMENDATION: include example

Develop products that are needed by consumers but focusing mainly on manufacturing ease and process innovation.


Production & efficiency
q  Flexible manufacturing already done for Panel-based furniture
q  No optimal capacity allocation done for timber based furniture
q  Presence of vertical integration (having own supplier and distributor) enables efficiency

Production & quality
q   Long production runs for panel based furniture – making it difficult to judge source of defects

Production & innovation
q   Ease of manufacturing considered – timber based batch processing
q   Some innovation in process both for panel and timber furniture

Production & customer responsiveness
q   Customization done but not always with flexible manufacturing
q   Response time good for panel based furniture b/c lead time low
q   Response time bad for timber based furniture b/c lead time high

Concentrating on reaping most benefits out of panel based furniture due to low lead-time, automation and sound vertical integration. At the same time, inefficiencies in timber-based furniture are attempted to be countered with high design and craftsmanship quality and doing batch processing to minimize costs.

While concentrating on efficiency the company needs to create task forces to enable flexible manufacturing for timber based furniture. 

Corporate Strategy

Current Strategy

Partex has vertically integrated into the furniture industry.  Partex had the upper hand in producing the particle board which is the raw material to produce furniture and they used to supply this particle board to other furniture-making companies to produce furniture.  But the corporate managers decided that they could vertically integrate into the furniture industry since they would be producing their own raw material.  They also came up with an innovative idea of making use of the unused part of the log which they use for making particle boards.  Partex also has a widespread distribution network which it can use for the furniture as well. 

It may be added that Partex has vertically integrated in other businesses as well apart from the furniture industry.  For example, under Complex-II Partex had Danish Condensed Milk (BD) Ltd., Danish Food Products, Danish Milk Mills Ltd.  Then Partex vertically integrated  and came  up with Danish Distribution Network Ltd.

Because of vertical integration, Partex enjoys some competitive advantage compared to its competitors. 
<   Partex has invested Tk.100 crore in the furniture industry and this huge investment acts as an entry barrier to its potential new entrant.
<   Partex will also be able to realize Economies of scope since they are fully integrated in the furniture industry i.e. from producing raw materials to distributing them.


They have two SBUs in the furniture industry: one is timber based furniture and the other is panel based furniture

Timber Based:  This SBU is considered as a Question Mark since the relative market share is low, but there is tremendous potential for growth in this industry.  This SBU needs a lot of  cash injection which Partex has already done and plans to do the same in future.

Panel Based:  This is considered  to be a Cash Cow.  They have a high market share and they are generating positive cash flow for Partex.

Drawback of the Current Strategy

Partex is finding it very difficult to integrate all their businesses in the industry.  In addition, Partex has a very complex structure.  Thus their bureaucratic cost is very high.

Recommended Strategy

Partex should change its current organization structure and make it more simple so that their bureaucratic cost can be lowered which will give them a competitive advantage. 

Strategy in Global Environment for Partex: 

Choice of Entry Mode
·   It is not planning to put any manufacturing set up in the host country. 
·   Partex will manufacture its products exclusively in the home country
Strategic Choice
International Strategy
·   As Partex’s current targeted foreign market is UAE it has low pressures for Cost Reductions.
·   Pressures for Local Responsiveness are low as well (why???).

Current Situation:
  • At present Partex furniture is targeting UAE as their foreign market.
  • Cost of establishing manufacturing operations in foreign country is being avoided.
  • Manufacturing only in home country will enable the company to realize substantial economies of scale with added global sales volume (experience- curve cost economies and location economies).
  • Moreover, Bangladesh being the home country Partex has the advantage of cheap labor and cheap raw materials (in terms of scrap wood and jute stalk).

  • Should calculate regarding the pros and cons that will be associated with trade barriers of the foreign (host) country.
The company should also carefully verify the transportation costs associated with exporting, and then compare it with possible profit gains.

Buyer Power
The buyer is the next person downstream in the channel of distribution. Thus the buyer for the subject firm in our case was previously the manufacturer (e.g. OTOBI) while now it is the wholesaler and the final consumer.

The factors that increase a buyer's power are the mirror image of those that increase a supplier's power. Thus buyers have enhanced power:
<   When they are concentrated and buy in volume. These conditions give buyers power over small, fragmented suppliers. However, in Partex’s case their Major buyer was OTOBI at a certain level. Now, as Partex is going vertically integrated the buyers’ power is getting reduced as no individual buyer is the prime consumer for the subject company’s product.
<   However furniture buyers can integrate backward if suppliers cannot offer satisfactory prices. Examples: often consumers chose designs of furniture from galleries and produce them through individual Wood craftsmen.
(Macro) General Environment
The general environment is composed of five sectors:
Socio-cultural: Society's traditions, values, attitudes, beliefs, tastes, and patterns of behavior, and how they are changing effects the operation of any business. Partex is no exception in this regardA few variables in General environment is provided below:

Technological Environment
Macroeconomic Environment
Interest rates
Consumer electronics
Exchange rates
Rotation rates
High-definition television technology
Savings rates
Process innovations (e.g., robotics and minimills)
Trade deficit/surplus
Industrial disasters
Budget deficit/surplus

Political/Legal Environment
Sociocultural Environment
Women in the work force
Relaxed antitrust enforcement
Health and fitness awareness
Environmental protection laws
Erosion of educational standards
Similarity in consumer tastes and preferences
Spread of addictive drugs
Powerful economic alliances
Concern for the environment
Opening of eastern bloc countries
Aging of the population
Third world debt problems
Ethnic composition

Maturing of the baby boom generation

Regional changes in population growth and decline

Political-Legal Forces: The government of Bangladesh according to the policy it follows allowed an open market scenario in the furniture industry where foreign companies and their products compete side by side. There are no subsidies or cartel on local or foreign products. As a result of this competitive market not many local firms exist in the market. On the contrary, PARTEX being a large conglomerate could thrive even in this market due to its strength in production.

There is also a protection law for wood logging here in Bangladesh. In addition to this, PARTEX itself is an environment-concerned organization that uses less wood to produce more substitute products. As a result of this, production increment for the furniture industry for PARTEX is not to leap-frog in any one nights stand.    
Technological Forces: In Bangladesh the use of technologically advanced wood framing equipment is not present. This is primarily because of the nature of the business: wood crafting is highly customized and depends on craftsmanship. Thus over the years skilled craftsman with individualized catering towards a small group of customers have shaped the consumer behavior as well as the nature of the business. The result is technologically not advanced procedure of making wood furniture.
However, the production of Particleboards is possible to make in a mass volume. As a result, technological advancement was possible in this sector. Today, PARTEX produces laminated board furniture in a mass volume with high standardization. Also, the technology used in terms of machinery and equipments the company is ahead of its competition, according to the deputy General Managers information

Problems Finding:
    1. Production: Production capacity of Modanpur Factory is more than the market demand.
    2. Technology: Technology used for the production is not fully automatic, some are semi-automatic.
    3. Production Personnel: They have some lack of knowledge about the use of machine.
    4. Marketing Reporting: Marketing intelligence report are not systematic and well organized.
    5. Sales Analysis: The sales analysis of each product life-cycle is absent;
    6. Marketing Research: Marketing research for each product has not been done.
    7. Dealer Promoting: Dealer promotion only at commission level has been done;
    8. Dealer: Number of dealer is not up to the mark and still so many district are still untapped.
    9. Brand Management: Complete brand management is absent for individual brand;
    10. Distribution: The distribution process is not Systematic. Flow of distribution is not clear.
    11. Outdoor Marketing: There is no plan for outdoor marketing, which is very effective for competitive market.
    12. Advertising and Promotion: Advertising and Promotion plan is not well enough for find out untapped market.
    13. Information Flow: Information flow between department to department and people to people is very slow.
    14. MIS: Management information system is not up to date.
    15.  Budget: The budget of this company is not enough.


      1. After Sales Service: After Sales Service should be provided at all the Show-room. It will save time and effort of the people.
      2. Design of some Furniture: Some product design of the company are very traditional. There are so many product similar to our design are now available to our competitor.
      3. Drop out slow moving product:
      4. More Advertising: To increase the sales advertising on Print media, Electronic media should be increase.
      5. Dealer increasing: Dealer should be available in all district. Then I have to find out according to the market potentiality for more than one dealer in the same market.
      6. Marketing Plan for Slow Moving Product: Plan for slow moving product such as; Hospital furniture.
      7. More Tanning for the officer Level: At present more training is needed about the salesmanship. Market research for find out the target market, dealing product knowledge, product development, marketing product etc. for the salesman and sales personnel.
      8. Marketing Research: Market research for each brand has to be done for getting the clear picture for product positioning against the competitor products and finding out furniture.
      9.  Budget: The budget will be required to upgrade as its targeted future.

It is impossible to have a clear-cut idea of a big company within a short time. But according to my observation this company is suffering from a tremendous problem in following areas, which are the main obstacle for the company optimum growth:
Ø   There is a clear gap between Production and Marketing.
Ø  Company sales and marketing people have a package of their action plan.
Ø  Company do not giving its effort in marketing research, market development, product development, product positioning, un-trapped market, business plan, marketing plan, product planning, and an effective advertising and promotional planning.  
Ø  Company did much promotional campaign but never try to figure out the reason for success and failure.
Ø  Individual job responsibility should be very specific.

Company is in developing stage. Gradually it is trying to figure out its system fall and week corner. In spite of many problems, it is the pioneer in furniture industry in our country. Hope it will be a systemic and standard organization.


    1. PARTEX Gallery, Monipuripara.
    3. E-mail:


  1. The quality of your blogs and conjointly the articles and price appreciating.Furniture market share
