December 2, 2013

Assignment On Managers’ Decision Making Style And Managerial Skills of HSBC The World’s Local Bank


Company Overview

Company Profile

In Bangladesh, the HSBC Group's history dates back to 1996 when The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Ltd opened its first branch. Today, the HSBC Group offers a comprehensive range of financial services in Bangladesh including commercial banking, consumer banking, payments and cash management, trade services, treasury, and custody & clearing.

2.1 History of the Organization:

In Bangladesh, the HSBC Group's history dates back to 1996 when The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Ltd opened its first branch. Today, the HSBC Group offers a comprehensive range of financial services in Bangladesh including commercial banking, consumer banking, payments and cash management, trade services, treasury, and custody and clearing.

General Background

  • Opened first Bangladesh branch in December 1996
  • Network of 13 offices, 38 ATMs, 9 Customer Service Centers, an offshore banking unit, and offices in 7 EPZs.
  • 1051 employees as of December 2010

Key business areas:

  • Retail Banking and Wealth Management
  • Commercial Banking
  • Corporate and Institutional Banking
  • Global Markets
  • Shariah Compliant Banking

      2.2 Vision Mission Goal:

Vision & Mission:

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               HSBC Bank

Of branch and non-branch channels (credit access points). INTERNATIONAL BANKING HSBC Bank has established a strong franchise among non-resident Indians (NRI...


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              Mission and Vision

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Training and Development HSBC Bank Bangladesh  Our goal is to attract, retain and motivate the very best, and to do that we support training, development, and business education through Internal Training Programs, External Courses etc.

2H2009 Corporate Sustainability Report 2009 HSBC .  Our goal is to be one of the world’s leading brands in corporate sustainability.

About HSBC Amanah HSBC Bank Bangladesh  HSBC Amanah is the global Islamic banking division of the HSBC Group, and represents the largest Islamic banking team of any international bank in the world.

Careers HSBC Bank Bangladesh  Find out more on job opportunities available in HSBC Amanah Bangladesh.

2.3 Present Scenario:

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and sends evaluation report to the academic supervisor. Now, commercial bank in Bangladesh is one of those prime sectors where a good number of students complete...


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source information we go through the websites of different banks of Bangladesh and all over the world. We have also collected our information from different books...


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obtaining salary information form other foreign banks in Bangladesh such as Standard Chartered, American Express. The compensation package includes a competitive...


2.4            Contribution to the economy of our country :

1.     Trade and Supply Chain

Export Services

With over 8,000 offices in 87 countries and territories, you can be rest assured that an HSBC office is close to you, wherever you are exporting to.

Import Services

With over 130 years of experience supporting importers globally, HSBC is well positioned to fulfill your trading needs.

Trade Express

Trade features as an integral part of the Bangladesh economy and this trend is set to continue.

Electronic DC Advising

should always insist that your documentary credits are advised through HSBC. With our network of 8,000 offices in 87 countries and territories, you are assured that your DCs will always reach you on time.

Business Development Offices

Business Development Offices are available at seven Export Processing Zones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I request information on old shipments? Yes, information is available for documents sent within the last 90 days using Quick Track and the last 30 days using Request Status Updates.

2.     HSBC Bank

The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Limited recently donated USD 100,000 (Taka 69 Lac approximately) to SOS Children's Village in Bangladesh for helping the unprivileged children.

3.     HSBC Export Excellence Awards launched

The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Limited in Bangladesh has recently launched the third installment of its annual export recognition programmed titled 'HSBC Export Excellence Awards 2011'. The award programmed, originally launched in 2010, aims to recognize five best exporters from Bangladesh each year for their contribution in national export and leadership in promoting the 'Made in Bangladesh' mark throughout the world.


Theoretical Background

3.1Decision making process: It’s a part of planning. It is think before to do something.

3.2Types: There are two types of decision making process. They are: Rationality of decision makin Limited or bounded rationality

 Here is the definition of this two:

> Rationality of decision making: In this type manager have to develop some alternative, evaluate them and select the best one courses form them. He has enough time to think about alternative. That’s why he can take decision relaxed.

> Limited or bounded rationality: In this type manager has limitation of time. He has no enough

Information about the alternatives. For that he has to take quick decision and the decision should be satisfactory or good enough under the circumstances.

 3.3 Condition: A manager has some condition to make a decision. They are defined in below.

> Certainty: Here people have available information. They are clear about the future outcome. For example, opening a saving  account. 

> Unce

rtain: It’s opposite of certain. They have little information and not clear about future outcome. For example, new business in a country.

> Risk: In this situation factual information may exist but it may be incomplete. May be used subjective probability, based on judgment and experience. For example, Macdolars took a calculate and, lost with introduction of its deluxe Sandwich line.

3.4 Steps in decision making process: In this we know what our goals.

> Develo

p an alternative:  The first step of decision making is to develop a alternatives. Here a manager tries to limit alternative. That’s why he use limiting factor. A limiting factor is recognizing and overcoming factors that stand critically in the way of a goal, the best alternative course of action can be selected.

> Evaluation of alternatives: To evaluation alternative a manager have to determine about the following element.  

a. Quantitative & Qualitative factors: Quantitative factors mean that can be measured in numerical terms. Qualitative factors means that are difficult to measure numerically.

b. Marginal analysis: It means comparing the additional revenue and the additional cost arising from increasing output.

c. Cost effectiveness analysis: Seeks the best ratio of benefit and cost.

> Select an alternative: Here a manager choose the best alternative. For this he can use three basic           approach


         Figure: Bases for selecting from among alternative courses of action

   a. Experience

  b. Experimentation

  c. Research and analysis

Decision Making Styles:

The foundation of the model is the recognition that people differ along two dimensions. The first is their way of thinking (intuitive and creative). The other dimension addresses a person’s tolerance for ambiguity. Some people have a high need to structure information in ways that minimize ambiguity; others are able to process many thoughts at the same time.

1.      Directive Style:

A decision making style characterized by a low tolerance for ambiguity and a rational way of thinking.  They are efficient and logical. But their concern for efficiency results in their making decisions with minimal information and assessing few alternatives. Directive types make decision fast, and they focus on the short run.

2.      Analytical Style:

 A decision making style characterized by a high tolerance for ambiguity and a rational way of thinking.  They desire more information and consider more alternatives than do directives. Analytical managers would be best characterized as careful decision makers with the ability to adapt or cope with new situations.

3.      Conceptual Style:

 A decision making style characterized by a high tolerance for ambiguity and an intuitive way of thinking. Individual with a conceptual style tend to be very broad in their outlook and consider many alternatives. Their focus is long range, and they are very good at finding creative solutions to problems.

4.      Behavioural Style:

A decision making style characterized by a low tolerance for ambiguity and an intuitive way of thinking. A behavioral style decision maker who work well with others. They’re concerned with the achievements of peers and subordinates. They’re receptive to suggestions from others and rely heavily on meetings for communicating. This type of manager tries to avoid conflict and seeks acceptance.

Some managers rely almost exclusively on their dominant style; more flexible managers can make shifts depending on the situation.

Fig: Decision making Styles



       4.1     Decision Making Style of Managers of Service Oriented Organization

In Decision Making Style of Managers of Service Oriented organization we selected two banks such as The City bank and Mercantile Bank. Both the bank managers filled up our questionnaires which have two part one is personal decision style another is management aptitude. Their information is given bellow:

Questionnaire 1-Personal Decision Style 


In Personal Decision making style we can see that both the banks are equal in Directive and Analytical answers. Both of them are equally emphasized in that. On the Other hand their conceptual and behavioral score is different. In Mercantile bank the score of conceptual is 3 and in City bank their score is 4. It can easily say that city banks conceptual style is more efficient that Mercantile bank. Another important style of decision making is Behavioral where again City bank is leading Mercantile Bank by 2 and 1.So, in conceptual and Behavioral style city Bank is more efficient that Mercantile Bank. Based on this information we can say the managers are may be same in directive and analytical thinking. Oppositely, the other two may be differ on the basis of their efficiencies.

4.2 Skills of Managers of service oriented Organizations:

Questionnaire 2-Management Aptitude Towards Decision Making Style:

In Managerial skills we can see that both the banks are equal in conceptual and Technical skills. Both of them are equally emphasized in that. On the Other hand their Human skills are different. In Mercantile bank human skills are 22 and in City bank their skills are 20. It can easily say that Mercantile bank’s Human skills are more effective than City bank’s. Based on this information we can say the managers are may be same in Conceptual and technical skills. Oppositely, human skills may be differing on the basis of their Human capabilities. These three skills are very important for a manager of an organization. Without these skills it is very difficult to run the organization smoothly. If any of the skills noticeably weaker should take courses and read to build up that skills.

4.3            Comparison of Decision Making Styles of Managers and Skills of Managers

Managers’ often makes decisions on the basis of their analysis. This thing is really praiseworthy. On the other hand, they also measure the concept of the studies. These two things are more important than anything else. Conceptually managers’ are quite same. We can see from the table, managers’ scored almost same in conceptual skills. Certainly we can say that managers’ are conceptually strong. Moreover they are also strong in analytical part. So managers’ should keep it on.     

In managerial skills, again managers’ are stronger in concept. The technical skills and the human skills are a bit weaker. The survey says, managers’ have the strongest enrolment in  Concept. The other two skills are not that much high than the concept one. One thing is common in every manager that they are almost same in every skill.



Learning From the Analysis Part:
Certainly, we all should say we have got a really good scope of learning the corporate world ones again. By performing this project we were able to know how the real corporate world is. Specially, the survey part was the most educative. During surveying, we had to act corporately with the managers. And we have got a good response from them. Really for the time being we were feeling that we all are the member of this world. So from this part firstly we learned the corporate behavior.

Secondly, another important thing is the managerial skills. We had a very close touch with the managers and their tasks. By staying so close we could easily understand the particular skills. Managers give more stress on conceptual skills.

Thirdly, we learnt the decision making style as well. How a manger make decision, how he implement this, how he stick on it, how he make it success, all the things we learnt from this project. It is easily understood that managers apply directive and behavioral style. But consequently it also viewed that they gives much importance on analytical and conceptual style.

Finally, from this very project we overall learnt  that in the corporate world managers applies the much ethical applications. If one has to be successful in such world s/he has to be very careful on bookish knowledge and the real experience as well.  


Conclusion & Recommendation

6.1 Conclusion:

Managers’ often makes decisions on the basis of their analysis. This thing is really praiseworthy. On the other hand, they also measure the concept of the studies. These two things are more important than anything else. Conceptually managers’ are quite same. We can see from the table, managers’ scored almost same in conceptual skills. Certainly we can say that managers’ are conceptually strong. Moreover they are also strong in analytical part. So managers’ should keep it on.    

In managerial skills, again managers’ are stronger in concept. The technical skills and the human skills are a bit weaker. The survey says, managers’ have the strongest enrolment in  Concept. The other two skills are not that much high than the concept one. One thing is common in every manager that they are almost same in every skill.

6.2 Recommendation:

Managers have to enrich their abilities on some particular sections. They have to give more importance on the human skills and the technical skills. The most important thing is they are good at some sections like conceptual and analytical. They just have to hold it. And gives equal importance on the weaker sections because all these sections reflect a perfect manager. If one wants to be a prefect one then he has to follow all these skills.


·        Reference Books:

Ø Management: A Global And Entrepreneurial Perspective 12th Edition By Heinz Weihrich, Mark V Cannice, Harold Koontz.

Ø  Management: Leadership In Action 5th Edition By Mosley Donald, C. Pletrt Paul, Megginson Leon

Ø  Business Organization And Management By Jamen Stephenson, McCmillan.

Ø  Modern Business Organizations and Management By Robbins & Coulter.

·       Internet Source: Google, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

     Company website:

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