September 9, 2013

Assignment On Practice and Job Analysis of Unilever

Chapter- 01
1.1 Introduction

Unilever Bangladesh is a company that has its own history intrinsically built with the development of our nation and our culture. It has been part of the Bangladeshi household since the 19th century with the same intention of bringing cleanliness and convenience to households as we do today. Back then Sunlight soap was marketed through Lever Brothers India limited throughout the undivided India. Later on, Lever Brothers Pakistan limited started its operation in Bangladesh on a larger scale. In 1964, our soap manufacturing facility was setup in Kalurghat, Chittagong. With time it gradually evolved and diversified into manufacturing personal products like skin care creams, toothpastes, shampoos, detergent powders, and so on. Accumulating manufacturing experience over 40 years, we have a legacy of leading the market with international brands offered at affordable prices. Today, with 13 different brands in 8 different categories, Unilever Bangladesh stands as one of the most progressive partner in development for the Government of Bangladesh.

1.2 Background of the study
The main objective of the study to identify different variables which should be highlighted for effective proceeding of job analysis practices in Bangladesh. For this purpose human resource experts were asked to identify the effect and use of different variables for analyzing job analysis practices in Dhaka. Another reason was to understand the job design process and practices for model development in Bangladesh. 
The study has been given formal introduction; provide information regarding importance of job analysis and objectives of the study. Then different type of hypothesis was reported.

1.2 Objectives of the study
The main objective of this report is to have an assessment about overall activities of customer development of department. The duties and skill requirements of a job. Hence, it indicates what activities and accountability the job entails. How they manage all the selling process, what services it is providing to the shoppers and how retailers are getting benefit from it and finally what is the gain for Unilever from this project, in short how it is meeting up the requirements of the three stakeholders of the company.

1.3 Methodology
This research is executed based on primary data as well as secondary data from several sample surveys.
Data Collection
Both primary data and secondary data were collected to organize this report. But the report is basically emphasized on secondary data.
Primary Data were collected from the informal discussion with the manager of the organization.
Secondary Data was collected from different sources e.g. annual report of the organization, web sites, reports, prospectus, journals, newspaper etc.

1.4 Limitation of the study

Although I have got co-operation from manager of Unilever and Square, the major limitations that the study faced during the study period are spot lighted below:
Ø  The major problem I have faced is lack of understanding.
Ø  Unilever is international they are so busy so, it is very much tough for me to allocate time for collecting data and taking interview of the manager.
Ø  As most of the data is collected from secondary sources, there was very little opportunity to analysis data.
Ø  Time constraint is one of the problems, for which it has been difficult for us to gather           enough knowledge.

Chapter- 02
2.1 Unilever

Unilever Bangladesh is a company that has its own history intrinsically built with the development of our nation and our culture. It has been part of the Bangladeshi household since the 19th century with the same intention of bringing cleanliness and convenience to households as we do today. Back then Sunlight soap was marketed through Lever Brothers India limited throughout the undivided India. Later on, Lever Brothers Pakistan limited started its operation in Bangladesh on a larger scale. In 1964, our soap manufacturing facility was setup in Kalurghat, Chittagong.

With time it gradually evolved and diversified into manufacturing personal products like skin care creams, toothpastes, shampoos, detergent powders, and so on. Accumulating manufacturing experience over 40 years, we have a legacy of leading the market with international brands offered at affordable prices. Today, with 13 different brands in 8 different categories, Unilever Bangladesh stands as one of the most progressive partner in development for the Government of Bangladesh.

Chapter- 3
Literature Review

Job Analysis and its Components
Job analysis: Organizations consist of positions that have to be staffed. Job analysis is the procedure through which we determine the duties of these positions and the characteristics of the people who should be hired for them.

The analysis produces information on job requirements, which is then used for developing job description (What the job entails) and job specification (what the kind of people to hire for them). Job analysis (JA) systematically collects, evaluates, organize information about jobs.

Job Analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities within a job.
It defines and documents the duties, responsibilities and accountabilities of a job and the conditions under which a job is performed.
·         So we can say that job analysis is a procedure to determine duties and nature of
1.      The job
2.      The kind of employees
·         And job analysis provides  data on job requirements for developing:
1. Job descriptions
2. Job specifications.
·         So we can say that job analysis is a systemic exploration of activities within a job. It is a basic technical procedure, one that is used to define the duties, responsibilities, of a job.

Components of Job Analysis
1.                  Job Descriptions (is a list of what the job entails)
Written statement of what jobholders does, how it is done, under what conditions and why. Common format: title; duties; distinguishing characteristics; environmental conditions; authority and responsibilities.
-Used to desire the job to applicants, to guide new employees, and to evaluate employees.
-Identification of essential job function is needed to assure compliance with American with Disabilities Act.

2. Job specifications (what kind of people hire for the job)
    -State's minimum acceptable qualifications.
    -Used to select employees who have the essential qualifications.
3. Job Evolutions (Basis for determining relative worth of jobs)
    -Specify relative value of each job in the organization.
    -Used to design equitable compensation program.
4. Legal validation of employment decisions
5. Identifies reporting relationship.
6. Identifies redundancy (joblessness)

Job Description
. Job description is a written statement that defines the duties, relationships and results expected of anyone in the job. It is an overall view of what is to be done in the job. Typically it includes is a written statement that defines the duties, relationships and results expected of anyone in the job. It is an overall view of what is to be done in the job. Typically it includes
·                     Job Title
·                     Date
·                     Title of immediate supervisor
·                     Statement of the purpose of the job
·                     Primary Responsibilities
·                     List of Typical Duties and Responsibilities
·                     General information related to the job
-                      training requirements
-                      tool use
-                      transportation
·         Signature of the person who has prepared the job description

Job Specification
Job Specification is an analysis of the kind of person it takes to do the job, that is to say, it lists the qualifications. Normally, this would include is an analysis of the kind of person it takes to do the job, that is to say, it lists the qualifications. Typically it includes
·         Degree of education
·         Desirable amount of previous experience in similar work
·         Specific skills required
·         Health Considerations

Contents Sections on Job Description.
1.      Job identification
2.      Position Title
3.      Job summary/ Position summary
4.      Essentials Functions
5.      “Others “ – Non-essential Functions
6.      Job Duties and Responsibilities
7.      Minimum Requirements
8.      Additional Desirable Qualifications
9.      Organizational Relationships
10.    Authority
11.     Supervisory responsibilities
12.     Working Conditions

The contents of Job Description.
·         Where the job is located, job grade, salary or pay range. It helps to identify and designate the job properly.
·         Position Title:
Clearly define the position in as few words as possible.

·         Job Summary:
-          A brief description that summarizes the overall purpose and objectives of the position and the results the employee is expected to accomplish.
·         Essential Function:
-          Identifies  the function that are essential to the existence of the position
-          Functions should be arranged in order of importance
-          Use action verbs to begin each function.
Job duties and responsibilities: It is the heart of job description. It describes the duties performed along with routine or daily duties, periodic duties and coalitional duties.
Minimum Requirements:
·          a)Education/Experience
-          Identify what education and experience are minimally required to successfully carry out the essential function of the job
-          Remember to think in terms of the “position” not the “person”
b) Knowledge skill and abilities:
-  Identify specific KSAs needed to successfully perform the essential functions of the job.
-  Only list the KSAs needed to achieve the desired results, not this the ideal candidate might possess.
-  Use example from the job to help define KSAs concisely.
.   Additional Desirable Qualifications
-          Qualifications in addition to the minimum requirements that would be beneficial in successfully performing the job.
.   Physical Demands:
-          Physical activities
-          Lifting weight and exiting force
-          Vision requirements
. Work Environments
-          Exposure to extreme conditions, i.e. weather, chemicals
-          Noise level
·         Authority: It describes the financial, sanctioning and administrative authority given to the job incumbent.
Example: Limes of authority:
-          Decision making limitations: He cannot grand any leave.
-          Budgeting limitations: He cannot grand more than 50 thousand for any expense of the department without granting of finance committee.
-          Recommended disciplinary action.
·         Supervisory responsibilities: The scope of the position’s authority, including a list of jobs that report to the incumbent.
·         Working Condition: The environment in which the job is performed, especially any unique conditions beyond those found in a normal office or library environment. Example: The physical environment of the job is described in terms of here, light, noise level, dust and fumes etc. Time-day, night, overtime and peak loads.
·         Relation to others jobs: The jobs immediately below and above are mentioned. It provides an idea of vertical workflow and channels of production. It also indicates to whom the jobholder will report and who will report to him.

Job Specification:
. Job description sates the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must possess to perform the job successfully. It identifies knowledge, skills and abilities needed to do the job.
. So we can say that the job specification takes the job description and answer the question, what human traits and experience are required to do the job well. It shows what kind of person to recruit and for what qualities that person should be tested.

Sample job description
                                                                XYZ Corporation
Job description
1. Job identification:
                     Job Title                                          : Marketing Manager
                       Department                                        : Marketing
                         Report to                                        : President
                         Prepared by                                    : Afzal Hossain
                        Prepared date                                : April 10, 2013
                         Approved by                             : Md. Habibur Rahman
                        Approved date                            : August 7, 2013
2.      Job Summary: Plan, direct and coordinate the marketing activities of the organization personally or through subordinate.
3.      Essentials duties and Responsibilities:
       Establishing marketing goals
       Develops and executes marketing plans
       Research, analyzes, and monitors financial technological and                                   
                     Demographic factors.
                      Plans and overseas the organization’s advertising and promotion                             
                 Evaluates market reactions.
                 Conducts marketing surveys
                 Prepare marketing activity report.
4.      Supervisory responsibilities: Supervise a marketing team consisting of five members.
5.      Qualification: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.
6.      Education and experience: Master’s degree or equivalent; four to five years related experience.
7.      Language Skills: Ability to read, analyze and interpret common scientific and technical journals, financial reports and legal documents
8.      Working Conditions: 50% inside and 50% traveling.

Sample job specification:
1.      Job Title: HR Manager
2.      Physical make up-or characteristics: Good health/ pleasing manners. No significant disable in voice, hearing and eyesight.
3.      Education and Training: MBA with specialization in HRM, A degree or diploma in labour law is desirable.
4.      Experience: Five years experience in a similar position in a reputed organization.
5.      Age: Preferable above 30 years and below 45 years.
6.      Intelligence: An intelligent approach to the solution of business problems.
7.      Special aptitudes:
×          Fluency in speaking and writing
×          Analytical skills
×          Ability to prepare understand basic statistical information
×          Competence in Arithmetic
×          High degree of listening skill
×          Evidence of ability, to plan ahead and organize the work of others.
8.      Circumstance: Ability to work long hours if required.

·         The mulch-faceted Nature of Job Analysis
-          Almost all HRM activities are tied to job analysis.
-          Job analysis is the starting point for sound HRM.
·         Job Analysis and the changing world of work
-          Globalization, quality initiatives, telecommuting, and teams require adjustments to the components of a job.
-          Today’s jobs often require not only technical skills but interpersonal skills and communication skills as well.

    Job Analysis answers the following important questions:
1)      What tools, materials, and equipment are used to perform the tasks in the job?
2)      What methods or processes are used to perform the tasks in the job?
3)      What are the specific duties for the position? This puts the position in context and spells out broad responsibilities.
4)      What are the critical tasks and key result areas of the position? The question helps to isolate the most critical activities that the position holder is expected to perform.
5)      What are the discrete outcomes of the job for which the appointed will be held accountable and evaluated on?
6)      What behaviors, skills, knowledge experience are the most important to the program in achieving the key results and outcomes? This question focuses on the specific personal qualities that are necessary to best meet the job requirements.

The process of job analysis
The major steps involved in job analysis are as follows:
1.      Organizational analysis (Understanding the purpose of the job analysis): First of all an overall picture of various jobs in the organization has to be obtained. This is required to find the linkages between jobs and organizational objectives, interrelationships between jobs and contribution of various jobs to the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. The required background information for this purpose is obtained through organization charts and workflow charts.
2.      Understanding the roles of jobs on the organization: Identify the importance of the job in the organization.
3.      Selection of representative positions to be analyzed: It is not possible to analyze all the jobs. A representative sample of jobs is to be analyzed keeping the cost and time constraints in mind.
4.      Collection of job analysis data: This step involves the collection of data on the characteristics of the job, the required behavior and personal qualification needed to carry out the job effectively. Several techniques are available for collection of such data. Care should be taken to use only reliable and acceptable technique in a given situation.
5.      Preparation of job description: This step involves describing the contents of the job in terms of functions, duties, responsibilities, operations, etc. The job holder is required to discharge the duties and responsibilities and perform the operations listed in job description.
Types of Information collected
·                                              Job activities and procedures
·                                              Working conditions and physical environment
·                                              Social environment
·                                              Conditions of employment
Steps in job analysis process
Phase: collection of information
1.                  Source of job data
-                      Job incumbents, supervisor, subordinates, customers.
-                      Existing job description.
-                      Manuals , publications
-                      National occupational classification
2.                  Data collection instrument design
-                      Gather information systematically
-                      Often involves questionnaire, checklist
-                      Use same questionnaire for similar jobs
-                      Different jobs may require different instrument information gathered.

·                     Information  gathered :
-                      Status , key duties/tasks, KSAs , working conditions, performance standards
Methods of collecting job analysis information

Methods of collection of job analysis Information
Job analysis provides information about jobs currently being done and the knowledge, skills, abilities that individuals need to perform the jobs adequately. The following methods are generally used for collecting job analysis information:
1)                                           Observation method.
2)                                           Individual interview method
3)                                           Group interview method
4)                                           Structure questionnaire method.
5)                                           Technical conference method.
1.                                           Observation method: A Job analysis technique in which data are gathered by watching employees work. Using this method, a job analyst observes employees on the job. While the observation method provides firsthand information, workers in many cases do not function with required efficiency when they are being observed. Thus distortions in the job analysis may occur. This method also requires that the entire range of activities be observable: possible with some jobs, but impossible for many.
2.                                           Interview Method:
a.                                           Individual interview method: Under this method, job incumbents are selected and interviewed extensively for gathering data of information about the job. The results of these interviews are combined into a single join analysis. This method is very time consuming but effective
b.                                           Group interview method: Meeting with a number of employees to collectively determine what their job entails. It is similar to individual interview method except that a number of job incumbents are interviewed simultaneously.
3.      Technical Conference method: these method utilities supervisors with extensive knowledge of the job. Here specific characteristics of a job are obtained from the “expects” who usually are supervisors with extensive knowledge of the job.
4.      Structured questionnaire method: Using this method, workers are sending a structured questionnaire on which they check or rate items they perform on their job from a long list of possible task items.
5.      Diary method: This method requires job incumbents to record their daily activities. It provides much information but is seldom applicable to job activities. The dairy method is the most intrusive of the job analysis methods, requiring much time. To capture the entire range of work activities, this method may have to continue for long periods of time-all adding to its cost.

These six methods are not meant to be mutually exclusive. No one method is universally superior. The best results are usually achieved with some combination of methods.

Chapter- 4

Steps in Job Analysis

Steps 1 Decide how you’ll use the information, since this will determine the data you collect and how you collect them. Some data collection techniques—like interviewing the employee and asking what the job entails—are good for writing job descriptions and selecting employees for the job. Other techniques, like the position analysis questionnaire described later, do not provide qualitative information for job descriptions. Instead, they provide numerical ratings for each job; these can be used to compare jobs for compensation purposes.

Step 2 Review relevant background information such as organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions.5 Organization charts show the organization wide division of work, how the job in question relates to other jobs, and where the job fits in the overall organization. The chart should show the title of each position and, by means of interconnecting lines, who reports to whom and with whom the job incumbent communicates. A process chart provides a more detailed picture of the work flow. In its simplest form a process chart (like that in Figure 3-2) shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from the job you’re analyzing. (In Figure 3-2 the inventory control clerk is expected to receive inventory from suppliers, take requests for inventory from the two plant managers, provide requested inventory to these managers, and give information to these managers on the status of in-stock inventories.) Finally, the existing job description, if there is one, usually provides a starting point for building the revised job description.

Step 3 Select representative positions. Why? Because there may be too many similar jobs to analyze. For example, it is usually unnecessary to analyze the jobs of 200 assembly workers when a sample of 10 jobs will do.

Step 4 Actually analyzes the job—by collecting data on job activities, required employee behaviors, working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job. For this step, use one or more of the job analysis methods explained later in this chapter.

Step 5 Verify the job analysis information with the worker performing the job and with his or her immediate supervisor. This will help confirm that the information is factually correct and complete. This review can also help gain the employee’s acceptance of the job analysis data and conclusions, by giving that person a chance to review and modify your description of the job activities.

Step 6 Develop a job description and job specification. These are two tangible products of the job analysis. The job description (to repeat) is a written statement that describes the activities and responsibilities of the job, as well as its important features, such as working conditions and safety hazards. The job specification summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for getting the job done. It may be in a separate document or in the same document as the job description.

Job Design: The way the elements in a job are organized. Job design provides stronger evidence that the way the elements are organized can act to increase or decrease effort.
Job design is maintained by the Job Characteristics Model. It is described below:

Task Identity: Task identity is the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work. An example of job scoring high on identity would be the job of cabinetmaker that designs piece of furniture, selects the wood and finishes it to perfection.
Both Unilever and Square maintain the task identity to perform the task in different level at different procedure. Task identity is the main dimension of the motivational term.

Task Significance:  The degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of other people. Job of a nurse handling the diverse needs of patients in a hospital intensive care unit.
In Unilever, task significance is highly maintained. The employees of the company supposed to their own task significantly.
In Square Company, they also maintained task significance so that they captured the whole local area of Bangladesh. As a worker of the company they need to take the as compatible work.

Autonomy: The degree to which a job provides substantial freedom and discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out.
It is necessary to provides individual freedom to do any types of work. Unilever provides employees those kinds of freedom that’s indicating the autonomy of the company.
In Square, sometimes it is not possible for higher level workers or executives to maintain all kinds of autonomy of the employee level workers.

Feedback: The degree to which carrying out the work activities required by a job results in the individual obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her performance.
Feedback opportunities are provided by both Unilever and Square Company of Bangladesh. Feedback is important for all the important sectors of the company. It carries out many good ideas that help the organization.

Extrinsic Reward: This kind of reword is mainly for lower level employees. Inadequate working condition, salary, incentive pay can cause dissatisfaction and prevent satisfaction. Each and every company need to pay extrinsic reward for satisfaction that helps the performance of workers.

Intrinsic Reward: Intrinsic reward is mainly for higher level employees those who are not extrinsically motivated. Challenging job, feedback, recognition, achievement, self-actualization those needs are the main motivators of intrinsic reward. In executive level it is necessary to keep in mind on intrinsic reward.
Pay Structure: The process of initially setting pay levels can be rather complex and entails balancing some equity known as pay structure. There are many ways to pay employees.

1. Internal Equity: The worth of the job to the organization. It is usually established through a technical process of job evaluation.

2. External Equity: The external competitiveness of an organization’s pay relative to elsewhere in its industry. It is usually established through pay surveys.

Pay Programs: There are several pay programs that helps organization to motivate employees. These are given below:

1. Variable-pay programs: A pay plan that bases a portion of an employee’s pay on some individual and/or organizational measure of performance. A number of organizations- business firms as well as school districts and other govt. agencies are moving away from paying people based length of service and toward using variable-pay program.

2. Price-rate plan: A pay plan in which workers are paid a fixed sum for each unit of production. It has been popular for more than a century as a means of compensating production workers.
This plan is followed by both Unilever and Square Company Bangladesh for production level workers. Sometimes it is more influencing factor for motivating employees of an organization.  

3. Merit-Based pay: A pay plan based on performance appraisal ratings. Most of the time merit based pay is more profitable for organization.
Unilever Bangladesh highly maintained the merit-based pay plan both employee level and executive level workers. Especially for executive level it is compatible.
Square ltd Bangladesh provides merit based payment mainly higher level manager or executive. Some sectors of lower level also included under the merit based pay. 

4. Skill-based pay: A pay plan that sets pay levels on the basis of how many skills employees have or how many jobs they can do. Skill-based pay is mainly payment based on individual skills. It is also called competency based pay or knowledge based pay program.
Both Unilever and Square Company strongly maintain the skill-based pay. It becomes important for both companies to motivate employees based on individual skills. 
5. Bonuses: A plan that rewards employees for recent performance rather historical performance. For many jobs, annual bonuses are s significant component of the total compensation.
Now a day’s bonuses become the most valuable term to motivate all employees both Unilever and Square Company. It increases the punctuality of workers and provides many more advantages for the sake of the company.
6. Profit-Sharing Plans: An Organization wide program that distributes compensation based some established formula designed around a company’s profitability. It is so rare in Bangladesh .Sometimes it can happen for short period of time. When specific task provided by the company this kind of sharing plans can observed.
7. Gain sharing: A variable pay program that has gotten a great deal of attention in recent years is gain sharing. It is mainly formula-based group incentive plan.
8. Employee Stock Ownership Plan: A company-established benefits plan in which employees acquire stock, often at below marks prices, as part of their benefits. It is more influencing benefits for employees that motivate employees more. In Bangladesh it is quite rare to find out these kinds of benefits.  

Chapter- 6
§  Lack of Management Support: The biggest problem arises when a job analyst does not get proper support from the management.

§  Lack of Co-operation from Employees: If we talk about collecting authentic and accurate job-data, it is almost impossible to get real and genuine data without the support of employees. If they are not ready to co-operate, it is a sheer wastage of time, money and human effort to conduct job analysis process.

§  Inability to Identify the Need of Job Analysis: If the objectives and needs of job analysis process are not properly identified, the whole exercise of investigation and carrying out research is futile.
§  Biasness of Job Analyst: A balanced and unbiased approach is a necessity while carrying out the process of job analysis.
§  Using Single Data Source: A job analyst needs to consider more than one sources of data in order to collect true information. Collecting data from a single source may result in inaccuracy and it therefore, defeats the whole purpose of conducting the job analysis process.
However, this is not the end. There may be many other problems involved in a job analysis process such as insufficient time and resources, distortion from incumbent, lack of proper communication, improper questionnaires and other forms, absence of verification and review of job analysis process and lack of reward or recognition for providing genuine and quality information.

1.      The top management needs to communicate it to the middle level managers and employees to enhance the output or productivity of the process. In case of improper communication, employees may take it in a wrong sense and start looking out for other available options. They may have a notion that this is being carried out to fire them or take any action against them. In order to avoid such circumstances, top management must effectively communicate the right message to their incumbents.
2.      The need is to take the workers in confidence and communicating that it is being done to solve their problems only.
  1. Managers must decide in advance why this process is being carried out, what its objectives are and what is to be done with the collected and recorded data.
  2. To get real and genuine data, a job analyst must be impartial in his or her approach. If it can’t be avoided, it is better to outsource the process or hire a professional job analyst


Unilever Bangladesh limited is one of the leading multinational companies in Bangladesh. I had the opportunity to survey for this company. This study has shown the importance of Practice and job analysis of Unilever in the work environment during this time. This report has provided some interesting insight into what kind of service the customers and retailers are getting and HRM and job analysis. This study set out to examine what recommended components of a job description do job descriptions written for municipal jobs contain. The study also set out to examine how closely job descriptions and job analyses for municipal positions agree, and to determine if the person completing the job analyses (and what their job is in the organization) influences the amount of agreement.
The study found that there were significant differences between the job descriptions and the job analyses. It was also found that when the job analyses were completed by an HR professional, the average agreement was significantly higher than when the job analyses were completed by a supervisor. This indicates that who completes a job analysis is related to the results of the job analysis. It was also found that there was a significantly higher average agreement when the jobs were white collar than when the jobs were blue collar, so the type of job is also related to the average agreement.
Finally, I would say that this survey at Unilever has increased our practical knowledge of Business Administration and made my BBA education more complete and applied.

Ø  Md. Rabiul Hossain (Asst-Manager & Learning) Unilever Bangladesh Limited ZN Tower Plot # 2, Road #8 Gulshan- 1, Dhaka 1212 Bangladesh. E-mail:

Department of Business Administration
Course: Human Resource Management
Job Analysis Questionnaire
Dear respondent, good day. We are looking for your cooperation in our academic researches. You honest answer would lead us to a meaningful conclusion. Please answer or put tick mark appropriately for the following issues/ questions. 

01. Employee data
Employee Name:






Job Title

02. Major duties & responsibilities
List most important duties first
(%) of time

Performs other job-related duties as required.

03. Education Qualification
Check the box which best indicates the minimum formal education requirements. (Not the level of education the incumbent has, but the requirements for the job)
Minimum Requirements

High School Diploma or GED
Vocational/Technical/Business School
Some College/Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master’s Degree
Doctorate Degree

04. Is continuation of education directly related to the incumbent’s duties and responsibilities?
       I.            Yes
    II.            No

05. Work experience
A. Check the box which best fits the minimum length of time spent in performing similar work and acquiring the skills and
knowledge to qualify for this position. (Not necessarily the years of the incumbent’s experience, but the job-related experience.)

Less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 to 3 years
3 to 5 years
5 to 7 years
7+ years

06. After starting the job, how much time on-the-job training does it take to learn the job?

Up to 1 month
1 to 2 months
6 months to 1 year
3 to 6 months
1 to 3 months
More than 2 years

07. Type of skill

Please indicate all specific skills and/or licensing/certification/registration required (not preferred) to do this job. For example, spreadsheet software proficiency may be a requirement for a secretarial job; journey license may be required for an electrician.
A.    None
B.     Requires professional licensing, certification or registration, such as registered nursing license,
C.     professional engineering license, certified public accountant, and so forth.
D.    Software Skills Ex: Word, Excel, Access, HRIS
E.     Certifications/Licensure Ex: Registered Nurse
F.      Other skills

08. What are the things that you like the best in your workplace?
A.    People and working environment
B.     Style of management
C.     Challenging and exciting job
D.    Flexibility
E.     Salary
F.      Autonomy
G.    Creative freedom with job
H.    Training and leaving opportunities

09. What factors affect your level of motivation?
A.    Financial reward
B.     Praise and acknowledgement
C.     Recognition
D.    Job security
E.     Working environment
F.      Other
10. What factors discourage you to work?
A.    Low salary
B.     Leading and advancement
C.     Boredom
D.    Poor working environment
E.     Lack of skill that is needed for job

11. "Reward should be contingent to performance" Do you agree?
A.    Yes
B.     No

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