August 4, 2013

Wedding ceremony "Short composition"

In a marriage ceremony the bridal part is the most important part. A few days ago, my elder brother got married. I along with others to go to the party by cars. Everybody was in a mood of joy and happiness. Everybody puts on dazzling dresses specially the women. We had band parties with us also. There Was a gate at the entry of the community center. It was decorated gorgeously were illuminated with multi-colored electric bulbs. The girls of the bride’s house gave us a warm reception with flowers and sweets. But before that we had a sweet bargain for gate-fare which is a cultural heritage. We were entertained with dainty dishes of foods. In the meantime the weeding of the bridegroom and the bride was completed. Many young girls gathered round the bridegroom, cut jocks and burst into loud laughter. But on the eve of departure the parents and relatives of the bride burst into tears when they bade farewell. This was a heart rending scene. It was a very good experience for me. I will never forget the day.

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