July 22, 2013

The Unemployment in Bangladesh "Short composition"

Bangladesh is beset with many problems. The unemployment is one of the talked to them. The word ‘unemployment’ means a state in which a man is out of work. When an adult person has no work to bring money for the subsistence of himself and the members of his family he is treated to be unemployed. 
Unemployment problem is acute in Bangladesh because of the lack of job opportunity. For about three decades political instability, traditional educational system, lack of vocational training and technical education, illiteracy, agro-based economy, industrial backwardness, closure of industries, economic stagnancy in investment sectors and large scale of corruption are responsible for unemployment problem. After liberation, no special care was given to the industrial sector. As a result, the employment opportunities are not created. Due to political unrest foreign investors feel repulsion to invest in Bangladesh. NGO programmes are insignificant. As a result, unemployment problem is mounting up day by day.
Unemployment is a great social evil. It has far-reaching effect on the economic, social and political affairs of the country. Unemployment people consume natural wealth but do not contribute to the economy of the country. Their idle brain is like the devils workshop. So they cannot but do mischief. A large number of unemployed of youths involve themselves in various anti-social activities and crimes. Drug addiction, terrorism, trafficking etc are breeding anarchy and disorder in society rooted from this unemployed problem. It creates all handicaps to all sorts of development and progress.
It solution is hard is hard but impossible of various remedies the most potent is industrialization of our country. A sound and helpful democratic atmosphere is to be ensured. Vocational education can come to aid in this regard. Instead of looking for clerical jobs in offices, they should engage themselves in small business, dairy and poultry farming. The government should supply interest free loans for this purpose.
With the recent world wide economic crisis, unemployment problem in Bangladesh like others countries is getting more and more acute day by day. It is high time we look proper steps t eradicate it. If we fail to solve this problem, our independence will be meaningless.