June 30, 2013

Environment Pollution "Paragraph and Short composition"

Environment refers to the things that we see around us. The main element of environment are the air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live. And when these elements are polluted, it is known as environment pollution. Now-a-days environment pollution is one of the most talked of topics. without air we cannot breathe. But this air become  poisonous when it is polluted. Air is mainly polluted by smoke created prom vehicles, pitch melting, burning bricks, firewood's, railway, engines, mills and factories, power house, coal and oil, etc. Again water is called life. But if water is not pure , it can be harmful and even cause death . Water is polluted by the widespread use of chemical fertilizer and insecticides, by throwing oil, food waste and human waste, by building unsanitary latrines on the bank of the rivers and canals etc. Soil is polluted by things like plastic, polythene, etc. By doing all these things, people are endangering their own lives. Because it has a great negative impact on our life. Firstly by inhaling impure air people become sick and sometimes die. polluted water causes cholera, typhoid dysentery, jaundice etc. Soil is losing its fertility. Fisher die in huge number. Climate changes and causes natural disasters. Therefore , we have to prevent all these pollution so that we can breathe pure air, drink clean water and live a healthy and comfortable life. Raising public awareness is important. It is the sacred duty of present generation to prevent the environment from being spoilt and ensure a safe and pollution free world for the future generation.


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