April 20, 2013

Dowry "Paragraph"

Dowry is a social malady. It means property or money bought by a bride to her husband when they get married. Our society is a male dominated society . Here female children are considered inferior to male children. They are like an object in the family. And they play a passive role. People treat them as commodity. So during marriage a group of greedy people claim much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides . This is a common practice mainly observed in the rural area of our country. The poor and illiterate girls mainly became the victims of dowry. If their demands are not fulfilled, they begin misbehaving with their wives and sometimes torture them seriously. As a result, many of them get divorced or commit suicide. Even they are murdered by their husbands. This evil system should be uprooted from the society immediately. And we can solve this problem by changing the outlook of the people specially the male members of our society. Besides government should take and implement strict legal measures against the person who take and also who give dowry. Became dowry is punishable crime.