March 5, 2013

A Collage library "Paragraph"

Library is called the store-house of knowledge. It is a part and parcel of every educational institution. The library which is meant for the college students only is called a college library. Our college library, which is housed on the fifth floor, is very rich. It maintains ten thousand titles covering the disciplines of mainly commerce and arts and science as well. It's because our college I specialized one. Besides, there is a large number of journals and magazines of international and national repute. A systematic way of organizing books is essential for a good library. All of the books in our college library are well organized into categories or classes. There are also arranged alphabetically within their class. Each category is assigned a range of numbers. Using these numbers students can easily locate the books they wanted and enrich this intellect faculty. A pin-drop silence conductive to study prevail there. Students and teachers come to the library to study when they have no class. The library i well-managed by an experienced librarian and his helping staff. It remains open from morning till evening. The students who live in a hostel can use the library even at night on all working days. We feel proud of our college library.  

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