February 14, 2013

Report On Overall Banking Performance of EXIM BANK Ltd.


Early banking system served mainly as depositors for funds, while the more modern system has considered the supplying or credits their main purpose. A Bank not only accepts money or deposits, but it also lends money and creates its own people. Sawyers states, We can define a bank as an institution whose debts (bank deposits) are widely accepted in settlement of other peoples debts to each other Banks are financial institutions or financial intermediary that collect fund from people as deposit and lend this fund as loans and advances to the borrowers in different sectors of the economy against interest for a certain period. Banks play a very important role in both national and international trade. Banks provide some other non-traditional services like-factoring, issuing bank guarantees etc. Moreover, Bank is financing to the international trade because on country can survive without international trade. The financing are very much supportive to the global
In Bangladesh, there are Government Banks, Private Banks and Foreign Banks. The EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Limited is one of the leading private sector commercial bank in Bangladesh.

1.1) Objective of the report

The objectives of this report are to find out the followings:
1.  To describe the foreign Exchange operational activities of the Eskaton Branch of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd.

2.  To identify problems of the study and make recommendations.
3.  To gather practical knowledge
4. To find out the functions of International Operational Associates Bank of the world with EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd.
5. To evaluate the role of Export and Import Department to facilitate the international trade.
6. To find out the operational procedures of L/C in international trade.
7. To find out different types of Export-import procedures of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh limited.

1.2) Background of the Study
This report is prepared for fulfilling a partial requirement of both the MBA and the Internship Programs. The EXIM Bank Limited is the host organization for the 3-months Internship Program, which began on February 19, 2012 and ended on May 19, 2012. To prepare the report as an apprentice I have taken necessary assistance from EXIM Bank Limited during my internship Mrs. TZRINA FLORA, madam is the internship Adviser who authorized the topic of this report. And I am working most of my internship period with the all division

1.3)  Significant of the study

 Importance of the topic to choose:
The world is now become globalize so we have to sustain in the competitive world. We must take the competitive advantage. We should more involvement in international economy. It is important to me because I feel very much interest about international business. I think we are in the same world so all of us should enjoy each and every resource in the world. And it has another importance to me that is implementation my educational knowledge and theoretical knowledge to the practical. Find out the advantage, disadvantage and diplomacy we should compliance in international trade.

 Importance to the study:
The important of my study to the employees is great deal because an employee should have knowledge about the international trade why international trade is important not only that how international trade work trade balance. Crystal clear knowledge about the importance of international trade motivates the employees to work in foreign exchange division in bank.

 Importance to the employers:
The importance of employees implies the importance of employers. Because if the employees can be more sincere in their duties the company will able to attract more clients into their bank and ultimately the profit the bank will increase significantly.

 Management practitioners:
The management will also be benefited from my study because it will also helps the management to understand their weakness and strength dealings in international trade in import financing and export financing. They will find out the new area of investing in international trade. They will obviously find our new strategies to smooth the foreign exchange and ultimately fulfill their social and economical objectives and goals of the organizations.

 Stake holders and society at large:
It is found when at the project in the EXIM Bank the people are involved in international trade but do not know some trams and conditions and paper to be ready for imports and export the merchandise. So, will also have importance to the stack holder to know the rule and regulation they must need to obey the rules and regulations of the Trade and commerce Ministry of Bangladesh.............................................................

 For more information you can download from below 

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