November 24, 2012

Power of Girls

Girls have a great power. I don’t think girls are conscious about this. Because; I have seen only a few examples of proper use of this power.
I believe that a girl can easily inspire a boy reach him to the top level of development. That is very difficult any other things. This is the power of girls.
A boy is agreed to do anything for a girl. He also have done those works like impossible. I think girls should very conscious about this. Girls should use boys for development of boys. If any girl can do this work or stay beside the boy particularly his bad times, then that girl is being all things that
boy’s life. After that the boy cannot imagine his life without the girl.
I have an experience like this. Once time a boy’s parents and other well known person was trying to get rid of his one of bad habit. After a few days the boy has a relation with a girl. After that the girl tells the boy to skip that bad habit. Then the boy skips that bad habit without any objection.

(Here this is only my personal opinion. I want to acknowledge that I have lack of knowledge about girls. I think also boys because; sometimes I find my     thoughts completely different from boys. I only know a few girls very simply in my country. Not whole world.)

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