October 10, 2012


Hello, Merrimu. I am very impress on your character. I also like you so much. I like all things of yours. At last if you would get hurt, I would also get hurt in my mind. May be I would cry for your condition of mind as like I cried for Jean Veljean (one famous character of Victor Hugo’s novel). But you don’t know anything. There is no way for knowing you. If would any way, I wouldn’t do anything. Because
I know; understand which persons very well, I cannot tell them how much I like them. I am really helpless.
You are really a sweet girl. I am surprised to see your virtue. But you hide your emotion from others. You can’t express your emotion. But at last moment you cannot hide your speech. Don’t mind, I am not angry with you about this.
I want to remember you for a long time. May be I can’t. I take several steps to remember you. At last maybe I can remember only your name and forget all other things.

                                                                            (This is a meaningless writing. A few years ago, I   
                                                                           had read a book. I was so impressed on a character on
                                                                          that book. That character was a girl. Merrium was
                                                                          her name. I wrote it that time.)                                                                                                                                                              

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