September 12, 2012


 When I first saw her, she was a student of class four. That time she was 9 or 10 years old. When we see any person at first time, we can easily impress on him or her. But next time after several meetings, our impress decrease day by day. Actually it is very difficult to find our dream in real world.
But this rule came out false in this situation. The times I saw her, my impression was increasing day by day. At that time I realized, I must need her company. But this decision was not right. Because she couldn’t tolerate me. I didn’t know, what the reason was?
That time I was too young. That time I didn’t try to find out from my head how to get a child’s mind. I only knew, to make relation with children that went on so badly condition. Often they were aggressive on me.
Nevertheless, I tried on. All day I followed her. I tried to find an opportunity to help her work.
I stayed with her only 4 or 5 days. That time suddenly one emergency news came to me. I will be gone to a distance place. 
I wanted do not go. But I had no
option without go.
That place was so far. It was so difficult to go that place and return back in a day. But I did that work to get her company.
But I got hurt in my heart, when I listened that she was gone to her house. I did not imagine that I felt too much pain in my mind in this news. After that I spend so badly times.  That I can’t explain in my words.
Now today’s I don’t find the answer of question. That question is “what the reason to get so pain in  my mind?”. She always tried to avoid me. But I liked her so much because her character was so strong. Although that times she was only few years old, but her treats and works were like an adult person.

1 comment:

  1. it's so nice story. basically i like your story. thank you for your good writing. kip continue.
