May 27, 2012

Information system analysis on "Super Star Group" with (PDF)

Super Star Group:
Super Star Group is in the business of manufacturing various electrical accessories under the brand name “SUPER STAR”. Since its inception, the company has established a reputation for itself as a supplier of quality products. Super Star Group focuses on quality and aims to achieve total customer satisfaction, both in the products that the company offers and in the service that follows.

Vision: To be the most regarded company in Bangladesh by 2015
Ø Provides quality products
Ø Friendly working environment through open communication and mutual respect.
Ø Initiative, innovation and teamwork.
Ø Employee welfare and right is our premier focus.
Ø Committed for cleaner and greener environment for future generation.
Ø Driven by responsibility to the society as a corporate Body

1.     Energy Saving Lamp
2.     Incandescent Lamp
3.     Switch and Socket
4.     Fluorescent Tube Light
5.     Fluorescent Tube Light Fixture
6.     Kawamura Products
7.     Insulating Tape
8.     Fan
9.     LED Lamp
10.                        T5
11.                        Electronic Ballast
Information System of Super Star Group
An Information System is a collection of components that work together to provide information to help in the operations and management of an organization.
Super Star Group has an information system of its own. It uses Application software to build a network system.
Components of the Network system:
Ø Hardware
Ø Software
Ø Stored data
Ø Users
Ø Procedures
Hardware:  This organization use 100 desktop computer including
Ø LED Monitors
Ø Keyboards
Ø Mouse
Ø Speakers
Ø 2 Laser Printers
Software: This organization has 3 servers.
1.     Progry server (Information sharing software)
2.     E-mail server
3.     Software server

1.     Program server: By using this server the organization use internet in very short time.
2.     E-mail server: Employees interchange data and information by using E-mail server.
3.     Software server: Mainly Account section uses this server for their purpose.

Stored data: The organization has 6 Departments
Ø HRM Department.
Ø Account & Finance Department.
Ø Marketing & Distribution Department.
Ø Production & Inventory Department.
Ø Information Technology Department.
Ø Research and Development Department.

Every section stores all types of information of their activities in the organization’s database.

Users: This organization has 1200 employees. Among them 100 employees use the Information System directly.

Procedures: as the system is made by the organization, it has some different Procedures to follow.

Network System: It has its own LAN.

Using the system:
Employees use the system by pressing keys on keyboards or by operating mouse that send data to computers, after receiving data computer process the date and then send the output information back to employees, often displaying it on the screen and printing on a paper when required.

Processing Information:

1.     Entering retailer orders: Retailer’s order acceptance and preparation of a sales order in a form the organization use. Usually part of the Marketing Department and performed in the Sales section.
Ø Inputs
a.     Customer orders received by mail, phone, fax, email, and other methods
Ø Outputs
b.     Sales order

2.     Billing retailers: Billing Department prepares the retailer’s bill for selling goods. Billing department is the part of the Accounting Department.
Ø Inputs
a.     Sales order
Ø Outputs
b.     Invoice

3.     Collecting retailer’s payments: The Accounts Department uses a copy of the invoice produced by the Billing Department to keep track of the amount a retailer owes the business.
Ø Inputs
a.     Invoice
b.     Retailer payments
Ø Outputs
c.      Accounts receivable reports

4.     Keeping track of inventory: Production & Inventory Department keep track of its inventory and report when inventory is low so it can reorder more stock.

Types of inventory
a.     Raw Materials
b.     Work-in-Process
c.      Finished goods

Ø Inputs
a. Receiving notice
Ø Outputs
b. Inventory reorder report

5.     Purchasing stock and material: Production Department determines the best suppliers and prepares purchase orders which indicate to the suppliers what items the business wants to purchase.
Ø Inputs
a.     Inventory reorder report
Ø Outputs
b.     Purchase order

6.     Paying bills: Accounts Department uses a copy of the purchase order to keep track of money owed by the business for purchases, called accounts payable.
Ø Inputs
a.     Purchase order
b.     Invoice from supplier
Ø Outputs
c.      Accounts payable report

7.     Paying employees: Involves paying employees wages or salaries and providing reports to other business functions. A part of HRM Department.
Ø Inputs
a.     Employee work report (time sheet)
Ø Outputs
b.     Paychecks to employees

8.     Reporting financial information: Provides reports of financial information for the management and owners of the business. A part of the Accounting Department.
Ø Inputs
a.     Reports on revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities – the transactions of the business
Ø Outputs
b.     Balance Sheet
c.      Income Statement

Ø Better Information: By using E-mail server and Progry server they can get better Information which help to make good decision.

Ø Saving Time: By using E-mail server employees interchange information in a very short time and save their time.

Ø Better Communication: Production & Distribution Department is at Narayngonj and other Departments are in Dhaka City. By using E-mail server Departments communicate with each other.

Ø Increase Productivity: By using network system it increases its Productivity. Because organization saves times by using network system and utilize the times. This how it increases its Productivity 6.42% last year.

Ø Competitive Advantages: By using their special network system Marketing & Distribution Department and Production & Inventory Department complete their tasks properly and effectively and decrease the cost of the organization. This how it earned 5.2% more profit.

As the organization use network system it enjoys some benefits. Organization has plan to make all departments full computerized and want to enjoy more competitive advantages.


Book’s name       : Business of Information System
Author’s name   : Robert C. Nickerson
Edition                 : 2nd
Publisher             :
Year of publish   : 2012

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